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Overview of religions
Prophets who live outside normal society. These are not tied to his behavior and also ways of ordinary people that go out to his vision of a broader horizons.


Prophets who live outside normal society. These are not tied to his behavior and also ways of ordinary people that go out to his vision of a broader horizons. He set the new path. Religion of his liberal and reach out.
The priest who care closer to the altar by rules. They are selling their goods are delivered to the distribution and customs. They are not creative but preserve.

All religions have prophets and priest - but much less prophet priest. The headquarters as temples, churches and mosques are concerns of a monk; reform, natural Revelation, and deep understanding of new meat and drink of the prophets.

Christianity (like all other religions) is a multi-faceted religion. Over the centuries, it has full size standards both prophet and priest - the priest majority. Most of us have been taught religion by means of a certain institution, and we travel to believe in the explanation of religious institutions there. We tightened our faith in the belief of mosques (our church), in a series of faith, on the morphology and fixed model. We tend to distrust of others is not a home - the others are considered "poor freshness" or less true. Religion usually split capital: it makes people isolated from each other, sometimes intentionally (with faith and government) and often invisible more aware (by fostering pride that we as owners own religious truth). Religion priest like nationalism: survival and self-conscious about yourself.
When we look across the border to other religions, we scorn or confirmed by the self-elevation. We like to set up a people's faith in the regional balance and cultures of calf and allergic predictions how the gods out of their fledgling stars, their religion how bizarre. We forget that if an oriental look us in the elevation of that he will find many ways to practice the Christian faith and we all can not believe and practice of religion Our very bizarre.
Assess any religion with the lowest expression of religion he is unfair. All religions have different heights and lowlands, and the peak will be seen clearly at the level of creativity, of the founder, and literature of his greatness. Measure of a religious ideal best he's religious. We hope to invite others to assess religious expression in our best of it; and, in exchange, with a polite windows, we must consider other religions with the good he most religions. A Christian like Jesus of Nazareth always represent their religion as evaluated; and people with different beliefs must also select the prophets represent their best when compared.
If we settle in that spirit, we will see the great prophets of all religions know how large the same, the only direction for his people, virtue is rated the same as I, and, perhaps the gods of the best religion he shows characteristics unlike the best definition that we know. The metaphor of the many different religions. All religions thrive in the appropriate metaphor for time, space and cultures. The metaphor is not a means of rescue wing. God always means more than any metaphor does.
Believe in a God worthy of God's message to everyone, regardless of race or any country; a God without a special spirit of devoted people anywhere.
There are many prophets divine. whether the light is transmitted through a vibrant person than through some khac.Vinh list with one of his heart glass profound beliefs does not mean that disparage the other companies. We need to know more about the prophets of the major religions, he was the divine light transmission, even when we aspire to know more about the message in light of the founder of the religion own. We can take heart too kindness to those who do not understand for the prophet's family, and who is a monk but was lost on poor information about their religion.
It seems to me, this book is a prophetic book. While the present religious priests, it set the scene towards the prophet in all the religions he. Prophet of its obvious purpose: to stimulate a warm reviews about the great prophets and prophecy the great material. Prophet of thirst it's obvious: promote the attitude that mankind must first cultivate, while the cultural impact on culture, while also engaging people to exchange information and awareness a common destiny. On the way that the world is going, we're going to grow up mentally, about tolerance and brotherhood. No other choice to survive.
I myself believe that if the founder of your great faith we understand today, and he necessarily went through the border that of his disciples have established so other he will have to sit at the table to display consensus and distinguish the truth behind many metaphors. The case he will see each other in a world of common sense, a common God.
Many of us find that people on the same aspirations as far as how deep. If you exchange ideas with a freedom of the Jewish faith, you will see that person close to yourself (if you have the opportunity to breathe fresh air that you breathe prophet ). You would not be surprised if one of you call your main he is Christian or Buddhist, if you know some of the core of each faith. Quy will attend a simple ceremony in the Assembly hall in the city of New York Ramakrishna with feelings is the founder of your religion is present in this house of God. And you will appreciate your confirmation of the Hindu is the truth shines more brightly as it shines from many angles, like a diamond has many aspects. You will admire advice before calling for protection of Hindu heritage do not put your own moral, but look at it with the help of your greatest prophet of credit instead of the teacher tu.

Dr. Ross has excellent ability to indicate the path approaches a broader belief. Professor of World Religion at the University of Southern California, he is author of The Meaning of Life in Hinduism and Buddhism (Italy That Life Church in India and Buddhism), and addressed to Christians: Isolationism vs.. Word Community (a Christian Post: The Anti isolation means the world community), and co-author of Ethics and the Modern World (World Ethics and Advanced). He understands the history of his religion very thorough, and his research brought him closer to the prophet and the prophet of materials other major religions.
Mrs. Hills is a public school teacher and she is a member of the religious education of a large church. After the study of religion at the University of Southern California, she continued to study for a Master in this University.
Two books published together point the way to legitimate the days to come.


A story about three castaway on an island touch up in South Seas (South Sea). When the boat touched to the coral beach tan broken for parts, food, clothing and tools were lost at sea. Three sailors exhausted survivors of this drift to the coast unavoidable waves data. After sudden, they began to reassess the situation. Across a sand forest, then to the edge of rocks and steep cliffs. No one shows any signs of people in general around here. Only the sound of the sea and the cries of the seagull.
No one has locality. Their radio was lost at boat sinks. The need is immediate view of the island is not. Food does not matter, they found full of tropical fruit ranges. But they completely disappointed not know where they are. They understand that to find out who can help them clues about their current location. They decided one person along the coast, a Monday and take the opposite coast, also a third person to penetrate the foothills. Each person has discovered any trace of the - footprints, field, or smoke from a remote village far from certain.
After several hours of searching, a third person discovered someone signs in - Smoke rises from a small hut at the slopes. This instant let you know two and three on the road entered the village. People on the island proved very sympathetic. After several weeks, three people went through in a small boat brought them back to their homeland.
VU separate HEAD OF OUR
You and I together in a situation. No choice, we were throwing the "island" called earth. Like our outcast or feel sadness for his body parts began to look around or try to determine our position. Sure we do not have to find people, because they often surrounds us. However, sometimes we find it difficult to find someone who can help us find our true position or help us to our destination.
As a child, we believe that parents can answer all these stories is of course what the parents know the answer. When we grow up sometimes solve problems the way we parent settlement. Sometimes we forget that parents can not know all the answers to all problems of life. They also live on this island. And no one is asking parents who want to stay here. Find themselves here, they start trying their best. They have found some answers through life.
We are led at the time by the lack of knowledge they had learned, even in part. But we can not lead an entire life with only the opinions of those who lived before us randomly. We can not accept ideas that blindly. We must remember that the answer may be our only answer we do that part of our experience. No parent or teacher can live for us. There are many things we can learn through life and learn for yourself.
We can NOT Be honest with yourself?
Some people seem to live day in and day out without time to think about this. They never seemed interested in the world that they live or their place in it. Their lives are controlled by habit, and they do not seem to find any improvement. It is unfortunate when this happens to anyone, because she lost the opportunity to develop and progress. Constantly looking for better answers about the nature of life and increase space for more interesting life. Also more busy than to accept the answer and old customs and habits just because they are old then.
Someone can not stop the questions or doubts as adults to make sure he can take. Sometimes, teachers and parents too tired, too busy, or too impatient not paid attention to questions of young people. So after a time he asked no more. There are too concentrated on people to social activities, sports or work so they do not fret membrane to the profound nature of all things.
However these questions in our hearts. What is life? How come here? God like? Difference between right and left is how? What is love? What happens when we die? There are many questions like these are asked by people everywhere and at all times.
If we are honest with yourself, let the questions that penetrate any part of the attention and efforts of us. Find answers that is how we learn. Never feel embarrassed when giving out questions. We never even felt someone famous to where, have found all the answers for us then. To live full integrity, we all have to know the meaning of life and try to find a satisfactory answer. Doubts and questions are signs of a healthy honest with himself and is a measure efforts growing confidence of our knowledge.


Some people talk about religion as religion has all the answers, but confirmed only bring more questions than. "Religion" is what? Is going to church, chanting, listening to prayers, learn how to pray not? When people talk about God they want to say? Where do people get the idea of God? How do we know the idea he right or wrong? Why should we feel we must believe in some way?
No religion has all the answers, although that pastor or priest is sometimes said. All religions are trying to make the most important questions. Religion also provides notes on how to answer the basic questions of some people. Many people think that their own religious devotion best answer to the question of people. But the director Professor religion wise not say so. Instead, the position is to encourage people should learn the meaning of life as he is made of the position.
We can learn the WHAT IN OTHER?
When we find the answer on our disturbed, often very useful if we find out. Many of the cultures and religions have found important clues about the meaning of life. The idea that they can give us valuable suggestions. Research ideas will help us more than just research an answer - a unique answer of the country or our own religion. It will open for us a shorter path to intellectual progress that others have been harvested.
We must choose carefully whom we rely for life because we do not have time to check all our ancestors and examine all the religions of the generation. We must choose those who have expressed a sincere effort in the search. We do not want to lose the time with the teachers not honest and self are important, whether old or metal.
We also want to get lost in such expeditions slums among which we are studying their religion. If we want to explore Beethoven wrote music that we like not, we need to hear the symphony and his bucket of debris. We should not be interested in the job he often goes around with a tie stain eggs. Same way so, if we are to find useful suggestions from others, we need to observe the concept of their lives. We should not worry about how to dress, or customs differ from us.
Scientists, artists, engineers, teachers, philosophers and theologians - all, irrespective of race, language, country, always trying to find new meaning in life. Someday we'll have a picture of integrity than the picture we have today. At that time, as we will still try to pair the game installation. Some corners are a pair of games, some at a different angle, etc. ... Many of us more aware to the smallest details, but forget about the whole picture. Only in the imagination at more, we try to have a new look at the entire life.
Most people always look at their religion as a certain feeling about the whole picture of life, although numerous pieces are not inserted. Perhaps we will learn a little bit of religions, that can help us understand more.


At young age, we are very interested in the immediate daily operation. But when the young, we begin to discover is that while individual activities is important, they are part of a whole life. And our lives are part of something greater - the life in which all human beings share. We become more concerned about what life is and they related to how different life. We began to explore meaningful life. We concentrated on the independent thinking than previously
Our lives become more a matter of our own progress, and if we think about this, we make our lives meaningful. Because people in anywhere and see that life has meaning is the goal of everyone, they developed the religion to help them decide what is really important. Religion in the world today has devoted many things for us when we search for meaning and answers. Search all the right relationships with themselves, with others, and the world of man is part of the general search that we have involved.
We accept the challenge of access range meaning of life, yet these questions do not stop and search and stay happy with the answer that we can accept. When we do, we'll get inspired by those who have asked and answered in other times or elsewhere. Let's see what they have said to us and use what helps us continue to search better way of life.

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